À la recherche de Frida Kahlo


After the success of Á la recherche de Andy Warhol, an original and playful "seek and find".

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Sold by Centre Pompidou (Livres et produits dérivés) Artist
Frida Kahlo
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Centre Pompidou's collections


Frida Kahlo is a true icon of the 20th century. Her extraordinary life and career continue to influence artists, fashion designers, photographers, graphic designers and musicians around the world today.
Endowed with an indomitable spirit and flamboyant style, Frida was a complex and paradoxical character. Acclaimed as an innovative and inspirational artist, she was also hailed as a political heroine and radical feminist idol. In Search of Frida Kahlo pays homage to this incredible artist and cult figure, and invites the reader to find her among 12 animated scenes illustrating key moments in her life.
Then go back to the end of the book to find out (and try to locate!) the celebrities who were the main actors in these historical and artistic events, as well as those who still draw inspiration from Frida!

Descriptions & Features

Laura Callaghan & Catherine Ingram
Éditions du Centre Pompidou
23 cm x 32 cm
Publication year
Number of pages

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