Editions Centre Pompidou

Petits papiers des avant-gardes. La collection Paul Destribats

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Editions Centre Pompidou
Paul Destribats
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Tracts, posters, leaflets, press clippings, postcards, brochures, collections, bulletins, advertisements... Over more than fifty years, the enthusiast and scholar Paul Destribats has assembled an exceptional collection of twelve thousand "little papers". With the hanging "Little Papers of the 20th Century", then this work, the Center Pompidou is celebrating this collection, which was donated to the Kandinsky Library in 2021.

These "little papers", collected with rigor and obstinacy over nearly fifty years by this passionate and erudite collector, allow us to discover and understand the fundamental role of print in the construction of the most radical avant-gardes. They highlight the graphic and literary inventiveness specific to these publications and, as such, constitute a major contribution to the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art.

Following the division into major movements of Paul Destribats' collection, this work reflects its inestimable value, through numerous texts devoted to some of its most remarkable components.

Descriptions & Features

Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Bernard Blistène and Mica Gherghescu
Editions du Centre Pompidou
21 x 29,7
Publication year
Number of pages

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