Adhesive notepaper Le Corbusier - Modulor
You are full of sketches, shopping lists, thoughts and wishes?
More than a simple pad, this lovely adhesive notepaper is a smart object which will help you to organize all your ideas!
The cover reproduces the famous Modulor of Le Corbusier: a source of inspiration...
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier
Not only a visionary architect, urban planner and theorist of modernity, but also a painter and sculptor, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) made a profound impression on the 20th century in dramatically changing architecture and the way it is «inhabited». His international career flourished long before globalisation made its appearance.
Le Corbusier, Le Modulor, 1950
Encre de Chine et collage de papiers gouachés et découpés,
70 x 54 cm
Collection Centre Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne
© Centre Pompidou / Dist. RMN-GP/ Ph. Migeat
© FLC, ADAGP, Paris 2015
Descriptions & Features
- Characteristics
adhesive notepaper 1: 100 x 72 mm with 50 sheets
adhesive notepaper 2: 50 x 72 mm with 50 sheets
5 x 20 colour bookmarks
Cardboard cover - 80 grs paper
- Publisher
- Éditions du Centre Pompidou