Editions Centre Pompidou

Paris Noir 1950-2000, Circulations artistiques et luttes anticoloniales | Exhibition Album

The Centre Pompidou brings together more than eighty artists from Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean, and Europe who have contributed to the global cultural scene in the second half of the 20th century.

Paris Noir offers a unique journey through the Black Atlantic and through crucial periods of radical social and political upheaval.
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Editions Centre Pompidou


Before the independence movements in Africa and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, post-war Paris became a platform for resistance and emancipation, where intellectual figures such as James Baldwin, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Aimé and Suzanne Césaire, and Édouard Glissant paved the way for future postcolonial and decolonial thought.

The Paris Noir album, designed to reflect the exhibition's journey, serves as the perfect complement to the catalog, which presents numerous additional works not included in the exhibition.

Descriptions & Features

Aurélien Bernard, Laure Chauvelot, Marie Siguier
Editions du Centre Pompidou
27 x 27
Publication year
Number of pages

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